The Current

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Please note that our catalog only lists songs that we've set up within our system; not every track from an album is displayed. You may request a song that's not in our catalog by using our  request form.

The Decemberists -

O Valencia

Other songs from The Decemberists

Always The Bridesmaid: A Singles Series

Valerie Plame

Holidays Rule Vol. 2

Jesus Christ

If I Can't Change Your Mind (Single)

If I Can't Change Your Mind


Colin Meloy

Live Current Vol. 10 - Cover to Cover

Crazy On You

Live Current Vol. 11

Make You Better

Live Current Vol. 14


Long Live The King

E. Watson

We All Raise Our Voices To The Air (Live Songs 04.11-08.11)

This Is Why We Fight

What a Terrible World, What a Beautiful World

Lake Song
Make You Better
The Wrong Year