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The Morning Show - With Jill Riley

Coffee Break: Unintelligible lyrics

Cocteau Twins
Cocteau TwinsChris Garnham / 4AD

by Jill Riley

November 01, 2023

To quote Weird Al Yankovic, “Sing distinctly? We don’t wanna.” Some of popular music’s cherished songs are known best for lyrics that are completely unintelligible. One such famous song, released 60 years ago, is “Louie Louie.” There are plenty more that feature a vocalist singing something that’s dang near impenetrable.

Such songs can create a bit of artistic mystique or outright frustration — or a bit of both. And it never stops these word-like voice sounds from getting stuck in our heads.

For today’s 9:30 Coffee Break, which songs with lyrics you can’t understand do you want to hear?

Respond with your song ideas in the comments below.

Have an idea for a Coffee Break topic? Submit your idea for a future theme and browse past Coffee Breaks in our archive.

Songs Played
The Kingsmen - Louie Louie
Cocteau Twins - Carolyn's Fingers
Pearl Jam - Yellow Ledbetter
Sigur Rós - Gobbledigook
J. Roddy Walston and The Business - Heavy Bells
Iron Butterfly - In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida