Coffee Break: Arbor Day

by Jill Riley and Anna Weggel
April 30, 2021
Happy Arbor Day! It's a day that's been observed since 1594 and varies each year depending on the climate and suitable planting season but lands today this year.
Did you know that we have 53 native tree species in Minnesota that cover 17.4 million acres of forestland? Almost one-third of Minnesota is forested.
Arbor day is a day when people are meant to plant trees, but if you can't plant a tree today, you can at least enjoy listening to some tree-themed songs.
So for today's 9:30 Coffee Break, what songs do you want to hear for Arbor Day?
Respond with your song ideas in the comments below.
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Songs played
Iron and Wine - Tree By The River
The Cure - A Forest
Jens Lekman - Maple Leaves (7" Version)
U2 - One Tree Hill
Air - Cherry Blossom Girl
Belly - Feed The Tree
Rush - The Trees