Check out new songs from Ashley DuBose, Mdou Moctar, Liz Phair, Mick Jagger and more

April 15, 2021
This week's batch of new music features artists from around the USA, as well as two African artists and a transatlantic collaboration between a Rolling Stone and a Foo Fighter. Learn more about and listen to this week's new tracks below.
Ashley DuBose, "Boy Crazy"
Minnesota native Ashley DuBose has continued her ascendance in the music world since her appearance on the fourth season of The Voice on NBC. DuBose has a special skill at creating perfect summertime bops. This year, she's released the danceable "Boy Crazy."
Squirrel Flower, "Hurt A Fly"
Ella Williams, a Bostonian artist who performs under the moniker Squirrel Flower, created an entire planet for her sophomore release, Planet (i), releasing June 25. "Planet (i) is my body and mind," Williams explains, "and it's the physical and emotional world of our planet. It's both." Her first song from the album grapples with emotional confusion and the unintentional hurt that people cause in love.
Mdou Moctar, "Afrique Victime"
An album full of "meditations on love, religion, women's rights, inequality, and Western Africa's exploitation at the hands of colonial powers." That's how Tuareg guitarist and songwriter Mdou Moctar describes "Afrique Victime." Rock guitar solos, drums that fire like machine guns, and soft but clear vocals flow for over 7 minutes on the title track.
Tony Allen, "Stumbling Down" (feat. Sampa The Great)
The late Afrobeat legend Tony Allen continued to make music until his death in 2020. On April 30, Blue Note Records will posthumously release Allen's There Is No End. The album will feature a number of guest artists, and Zambian/Australian artist Sampa the Great lends laidback and fast-paced rap to the song, "Stumbling Down."
Liz Phair, "Spanish Doors"
This summer we'll get a new Liz Phair album, Soberish. Phair explains that the catchy song, "Spanish Doors," was inspired by "a friend who was going through a divorce, but the actions in the lyrics are my down." It's drawn from that sudden feeling of the floor falling away from you and trying to get the confidence to be yourself again.
Mick Jagger with Dave Grohl, "Eazy Sleazy"
You want some rock and roll? Mick Jagger has been busy writing some rocking songs during the quarantine, and he hit up Dave Grohl to help with the drums, bass and guitar. Jagger was hoping to bring the world some "much needed optimism," and "Eazy Sleazy" delivers.