'It just feels like the show in a great way': John Munson on New Standards holiday album

by Jay Gabler
December 05, 2020
The Current's Jill Riley and local musician John Munson (Semisonic, Trip Shakespeare) have shared a lot of conversations over the years — both on and off the air — and Jill was glad to connect with the bassist on Friday morning to talk about the New Standards' recently released holiday album. First, though, Jill let her friend know that "you've been on my mind" in the wake of a recent health scare.
"About a month ago," said Munson, "I had a stroke. It actually is as horrible as it sounds...it's just very shocking when no amount of your brain telling your body to remain upright and not fall over seems to be working."
Fortunately, Munson said, he's not disabled in the stroke's aftermath. "I feel basically fine at this point," he said, "but I have to beware." He encouraged listeners to make themselves aware of the signs of a stroke, and to waste no time taking someone to an emergency room if they're experiencing one. "If you see someone acting weird, don't assume that they're wasted or whatever," he said. "Consider the possibility that they may be having a stroke...you may save someone's life."
Munson, 53, added that "I've had so many people my age telling me, 'This has happened to me.' It's not so uncommon." He said one friend encouraged him to "break down the toxic masculinity and just admit that you're vulnerable. This happened to you, and maybe if you tell people about it, you could really help somebody."
Of course, there's also a public health emergency ongoing, and that's why Munson's trio the New Standards aren't playing their customary holiday shows before live audiences in Minneapolis. "We had the State Theatre booked for tonight and tomorrow," said Munson. "It just breaks our hearts not to be able to do it, because it's 15 years running we've been doing it. I have to admit, it was kind of a lark at first...and over time, it's felt so good to have this show embraced by people and have it become part of people's holiday tradition."
Nonetheless, the New Standards' music is being heard this year — for example, in recorded form as part of the GLOW Holiday Festival at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds. "We've heard from a ton of people," laughed Munson, "especially people in the community surrounding the fairgrounds."
The New Standards also have a new live album, aptly titled The New Standards Holiday Show Album. "I just love the recording so much," said Munson. "It's got so many of our musical friends playing on it, and it just feels like the show in a great way."
Use the player at the top of this feature to listen to the complete conversation.