Best Coast play songs from 'Always Tomorrow' live in The Current studio

by Jade
March 09, 2020
Best Coast's latest album is Always Tomorrow; frontperson Bethany Cosentino expounds further on that hopeful title. "I think the overall theme of the album is very much the idea that at times we can be our own worst enemies, and learning to get out of our way and let life happen," she says.
In town for a show at First Avenue in Minneapolis, Best Coast visited The Current studio for a live session hosted by Jade.
Cosentino explains that her lyrics tend to be fairly autobiographical. "I write from a personal place. I feel like that is very much what I will always do as long as we're doing this, because I think that's sort of the trajectory of what the band has been, is just me being a very personal lyricist and using this platform to talk about issues that I think everybody deals with."
Jade cites a lyric in the song "Seeing Red," where Cosentino sings, " I'm so sick and tired / Of writing love songs / About the same unhealthy things," and how it could be a thesis for Always Tomorrow. "I think a lot of prior songs were a lot of me grappling with codependent relationships and toxic things in my life — not even necessarily romantic, but people, places, things in my life that were not good for me," Cosentino says. "And I feel like I was constantly going to battle for things that I should have learned years ago weren't worth going to battle for because they were just kind of keeping me in my sort of 'pool of darkness,' I suppose, if you want to call it that.
"But," Cosentino continues, "I think part of what I've learned through my music and my lyrics is that, yeah, I've struggled with a lot of things, but I needed to go through all that stuff to come out on the other side."
Use the audio player above to listen to the complete session with Best Coast.
Songs Performed
"Different Light"
"Everything Has Changed"
"For The First Time"
All songs from Best Coast's 2020 album, Always Tomorrow, available on Concord Records.
Hosted by Jade
Produced by Jesse Wiza
Engineered by Michael DeMark
Visuals by Peter Ecklund
Web production by Luke Taylor
External Links
Best Coast - official site