Here's the new music you're hearing during our winter member drive
by Jay Gabler
February 19, 2020
365 days a year — whoops, make that 366 in 2020 — you turn to The Current to discover your favorite new songs by today's most exciting artists, presented by knowledgeable hosts who draw connections between this new music and classic tracks that are close to your heart.
Nine days a year, we elevate new music as part of Minnesota Public Radio's winter member drive. Tune in to hear a bumper crop of new tracks, and if you like what you hear, show your support of independent public radio rooted in a community of true music lovers.
Here's a specially created playlist including a lot of the recently released tunes you'll be hearing our hosts highlight during the winter member drive.
Thanks to our programming staff and to associate blogger Iman Jafri for helping to put this playlist together.