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Rhiannon Giddens and friends break musical barriers in The Current studio

Rhiannon Giddens performs in The Current studio.
Rhiannon Giddens performs in The Current studio.Mary Mathis | MPR
  Play Now [25:38]

by Bill DeVille

November 03, 2019

Rhiannon Giddens - Gonna Write Me a Letter (Live at The Current)
by MPR
Rhiannon Giddens - Black Swan (Live at The Current)
by MPR
Rhiannon Giddens - Pizzica di San Vito (Live at The Current)
by MPR

The day after playing a show at the Dakota in Minneapolis, Rhiannon Giddens, Francesco Turrisi and bassist Jason Sypher visited The Current studio for a session hosted by Bill DeVille.

Giddens and Turrisi recently collaborated on an album, There Is No Other, and as the music and the accompanying interview attest, neither of these artists is very interested in — nor limited by — the categories put on music by the industry. Rather, they prefer finding their own connections, which they're pleased to find are corroborated by music history.

Use the audio player above to listen to the complete session.

Songs Performed

"Gonna Write Me a Letter"
"Black Swan"
"Pizzica di San Vito"
All songs from Rhiannon Giddens and Francesco Turrisi's 2019 album, There Is No Other, available on Nonesuch Records.

Hosted by Bill DeVille
Produced by Derrick Stevens
Engineered by Corey Schreppel and Eric Romani
Visuals by Mary Mathis
Web production by Luke Taylor

Rhiannon Giddens - official site

Francesco Turrisi - official site
