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Can you solve The Current Rewind's Bonnie Raitt crossword puzzle?

Bonnie Raitt in 2012.
Bonnie Raitt in 2012.Marina Chavez

by Colleen Cowie

July 23, 2019

In 1971, before Bonnie Raitt won a Grammy or was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, she was solving crossword puzzles in Minneapolis's Palmer's Bar. Raitt came to Minnesota to record her debut album, inspired by the Twin Cities' flourishing blues, folk, and R&B scenes. She spent a week on the West Bank, socializing and bar-hopping with musicians like Willie Murphy and Spider John Koerner.

While visiting the West Bank, Raitt would "hang out at Palmer's Bar doing New York Times crossword puzzles with Spider John Koerner on a daily basis," author Cyn Collins told The Current Rewind writer Michaelangelo Matos. In honor of Bonnie's daily game with Spider John Koerner, we've put together our own Bonnie Raitt crossword puzzle, with clues inspired by her debut album and the musicians who contributed to it.

If you get stuck, don't worry—all of the answers can be found in Episode 5 of The Current Rewind, out July 24. You can download the puzzle, and its key, below.

Click here to download the crossword puzzle.
Click here to download the key.

The Current Rewind's Bonnie Raitt crossword puzzle.
The Current Rewind's Bonnie Raitt crossword puzzle.
Colleen Cowie for MPR

This crossword puzzle is a bonus feature of The Current Rewind, the podcast putting music's unsung stories on the map. Our in-depth history of Bonnie Raitt's debut album comes out on Wednesday, July 24, and you can find it via any of the feeds below.

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The Current Rewind is made possible in part by the Minnesota Legacy Amendment's Arts and Culture Heritage Fund.