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Julia Jacklin performs a solo set in The Current studio

Julia Jacklin performs in The Current studio.
Julia Jacklin performs in The Current studio.Nate Ryan | MPR
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by Mac Wilson

May 18, 2019

Julia Jacklin - Don't Know How to Keep Loving You (Live at The Current)
by MPR
Julia Jacklin - Pressure to Party (Live at The Current)
by MPR
Julia Jacklin - Comfort (Live at The Current)
by MPR

Australian singer-songwriter Julia Jacklin first visited The Current studio a couple years ago after her debut album came out. Three years have passed, and Jacklin paid a second visit to The Current, this time with a new record, Crushing, under her belt, and a sold-out show awaiting at the 7th Street Entry in Minneapolis later that night.

There's an old saw in the music industry that artists have a lifetime to write and record their first album; the second album, however, is often made while the artist is out touring in support of the first effort. Julia Jacklin can relate to this archetype. "I struggled at the beginning to write on the road," she tells The Current's Mac Wilson, "but then I kind of got used to it — got used to the spaces, and got used to figuring out how to be by myself or find places to be by myself, even if that was just a bathroom or sitting in the car surrounded by people — trying to write in that space."

Jacklin describes herself as a writer first and foremost, and that's reflected in her songcraft. "The songs need to be good," she says. "That's 70 percent of the work is done for me."

Thoughts about production or sequencing aren't much of a consideration until Jacklin is about ready to go into the studio. "You've got to honor each song," Jacklin explains, "lift it up and let it breathe and let it be what it needs to be on its own, not in relation to any other song on the record. All my favorite records are pretty balanced."

Use the audio player above to listen to the complete session with Julia Jacklin.

Songs Performed

"Don't Know How to Keep Loving You"
"Pressure to Party"
All songs are from Julia Jacklin's 2019 album, Crushing, released in the U.S. by Polyvinyl Record Co.

Hosted by Mac Wilson
Produced by Jesse Wiza
Engineered by Michael DeMark
Photo by Nate Ryan
Web feature by Luke Taylor

Julia Jacklin - official site
