Coffee Break
Coffee Break: Songs for a bitterly cold day
![Blair Braverman fell in love with the North -- freezing temperatures and all.](
by Anna Weggel
January 30, 2019
Listen. It's a high of -14 today in the Twin Cities. You maybe risked your life to get to work today. Or you're cooped up at home. It's hard to think about anything else besides the temp today.
So for today's 9:30 Coffee Break, what songs do you want to hear for a bitterly cold day?
Respond with your song ideas in the comments below.
Have an idea for a Coffee Break topic? Submit your idea for a future theme and browse past Coffee Breaks in our archive. Or, when you register for a Minnesota Public Radio account, you can send requests via Alexa, too Just say "Alexa, ask The Current to play Song by Artist" e.g. "Alexa, ask The Current to play Left of the Dial by The Replacements."