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When and where to hear Bobby Z talk about The Revolution and Prince

Bobby Z
Bobby ZMPR Photo | Nate Ryan
  Play Now [1:01:34]

by Sean McPherson

October 18, 2018

Bobby Z of The Revolution hosts the Purple Hour Oct. 26
by MPR

We all have great collections of Prince's music, and there isn't much that feels better than pulling up the exact song from Prince's catalog you want to hear and pressing play. One thing that does feel a little bit better is hearing people who are connected with Prince share their insight, their passion, their stories and songs.

I am very excited to announce that Bobby Z, the drummer for The Revolution, is coming back to host a Purple Hour on Friday, October 19. You may be able to press play on "Let's Pretend We're Married" whenever you want, but you can only hear Bobby Z. explain why that track is the genesis of the Minneapolis Sound this Friday at noon. And as far as stories, that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Here's when to tune in:

  • Oct. 13 Bobby Z on Teenage Kicks (Archive)

  • Oct. 19 Purple Current, (use audio player above, see playlist)

  • Oct. 26 Purple Current, (use audio player above, see playlist)

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Bobby Z
Bobby Z with Jim McGuinn
MPR Photo | Nate Ryan
