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jeremy messersmith performs in The Current's studio

jeremy messersmith visits The Current
jeremy messersmith visits The CurrentNate Ryan | MPR
  Play Now [26:38]

by Andrea Swensson and Cecilia Johnson

March 27, 2018

jeremy messersmith - Purple Hearts (Live at The Current)
by MPR
jeremy messersmith - Happy (Live at The Current)
by MPR
jeremy messersmith - Monday, You're Not So Bad (Live at The Current)
by MPR
jeremy messersmith - Fast Times In Minnesota (Live at The Current)
by MPR

jeremy messersmith is no stranger to The Current's studio, but we couldn't resist asking him back to perform music from Late Stage Capitalism on the Local Show. To hear the whole session, use the audio player above. If you'd rather read about it, check out Andrea Swensson's piece on her talk with messersmith here.

Songs Performed

"Purple Hearts"
"Monday, You're Not So Bad"
"Fast Times In Minnesota"

All songs are from jeremy messersmith's 2018 album Late Stage Capitalism, available via Glassnote Records.

Hosted by Andrea Swensson
Produced by Andrea Swensson and Jesse Wiza
Engineered by Michael DeMark
Visuals by Nate Ryan
Web feature by Cecilia Johnson


jeremy messersmith - official site
