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Mary Lucia: what's your favorite mindless entertainment?

Listen to Looch: Mob Wives
Listen to Looch: Mob WivesLuke Taylor | MPR

by Mary Lucia

July 11, 2017

I don't profess to be the smartest, most erudite person in the world with only highbrow taste, by any stretch, right? But I've never seen an episode of The Bachelor.

But — I have found my calling, and it is in the most mindless reality television I think that's ever been made. It's not Rock of Love. It is Mob Wives. It aired on VH1 for, I think, seven or eight seasons. It's following a group of women in Staten Island that all they do is drink, swear and fight.

It is, to me, the one thing I can go to when I have a little time to just sit in my pug chair and watch and just zone out, and watch women pull hair, scream and swear like sailors.


Mob Wives - official site
