Mary Lucia: Lefty and Crash visit the studio

by Mary Lucia
July 04, 2017
Not everybody is at work today because it's the Fourth of July. It's kind of a skeletal crew, and I thought, "What would be the right thing to do? Who would I like to bring in to work with me?"
Well naturally, Lefty and Crash came to mind. Pugs belong everywhere, and they make things better. Lefty and Crash are flawless. They make listening to rock and roll more enjoyable. They're both therapy dogs, so they're really used to going everywhere with me. And any excuse to get into a soundproof room over the Fourth of July is a really good idea because pugs don't like fireworks — oud, banging, crashing, thunderous noises. So I figured let's just bring them into work where they're comfortable and hanging out listening to rock and roll.
See more in the video above.
Happy Fourth of July!