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Coffee Break

Coffee Break: Made up words

What songs do you want to hear for today's Coffee Break?
What songs do you want to hear for today's Coffee Break?Dennis Wilkinson/Flickr, via NPR

by Anna Reed

April 13, 2017

April 13 is National Scrabble Day, but instead of focusing on impressive Scrabble words today, let's focus on words that would never fly on the Scrabble board.

So for today's 9:30 Coffee Break, what songs with made up words do you want to hear?

Respond with your song ideas in the comments below.

Have an idea for a Coffee Break theme? Submit your topic idea and browse past Coffee Breaks in our archive.

Songs played

Sigur Ros - Gobbledigook
Steve Miller Band - The Joker
Oliver - Good Morning Sunshine
Feist - Mushaboom
LaBelle - Lady Marmalade
Jackie Wilson - Reet Petite
Roxy Music - Pyjamarama
Digital Underground - The Humpty Dance