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What's New on The Current: Arcade Fire, Slowdive, Cherry Glazerr

by Jade
January 25, 2017
This week on What's New on The Current, Arcade Fire release a one-off titled "I Give You Power" featuring the legendary Mavis Staples to benefit the ACLU, Slowdive share "Star Roving," their first single in 22 (22!) years off a promised forthcoming album, Conor Oberst turns Ruminations on its head by re-recording the entire album with an all-star band and L.A. punks Cherry Glazerr show a softer side on "Nuclear Bomb."
What's New on The Current
• Arcade Fire – "I Give You Power" feat. Mavis Staples
• Slowdive – "Star Roving"
• Conor Oberst – "A Little Uncanny"
• Hippo Campus – "Way It Goes"
• Iggy Pop – "Gold"
• Cherry Glazerr – "Nuclear Bomb"
• Lady Lark – "The Rhythm"