Sims performs in The Current studios

December 05, 2016
If ever you get to catch him live, you can usually watch Sims bounce on every beat. With Doomtree or alone, he isn't afraid to "dance like an idiot," even busting out the Roger Rabbit during "Gray Duck." And when he visited The Current's studios to perform from new album More Than Ever, the bangers ("Icarus" and "Brutal Dance") got the usual energy. But during "Spinning Away," a darker cut, he showed a rare side of his stage presence: contemplative, serious, hurting. He spent much of the song doubled over.
Like many around the country, Sims hasn't had an easy 2016. His tour van got robbed; people in his family got scarily sick. He's struggled with caring too much, suffering extreme nerves before each of his solo performances. But these days, he's learning to say, "I don't care."
With this performance and more to come -- including his first solo Mainroom show on January 6 -- Sims looks to be straining toward balance. He lets fans see a less goofy side, though his live show is still as fun as ever. He lets go of perfectionism while still producing high-quality work.
Like many good pieces of art, More Than Ever pulls listeners into its creator's journey, but there's always an "Icarus" or "OneHundred" to bring them through the darkness.
Songs performed
"Spinning Away"
"Brutal Dance"
All three songs are from More Than Ever, available now via Doomtree Records.
Hosted by Sean McPherson
Produced by Derrick Stevens
Engineered by Michael DeMark
Visuals by Nate Ryan