Coffee Break: Snack attack

by Anna Reed
September 28, 2016
According to a recent Forbes report, Minneapolis is one of the top 10 cities for Millennials and Generation Z. Apparently one of the major reasons is that Minneapolis is good at providing competitive salaries and a healthy dose of office snacks.
MPR certainly does not provide snacks for employees - does your office? If your office does, provide the details below and be specific (because we are hungry).
So for today's 9:30 Coffee Break, what songs do you want to hear that mention snacks?
Songs played
Hot Cheetos and Takis - Y.N.RichKids
Eight Piece Box - Southern Culture On The Skids
Red Vines - Aimee Mann
Horchata - Vampire Weekend
How Many Biscuits Can You Eat? - Split Lip Rayfield
Chips Ahoy - The Hold Steady
Popcorn - Gershon Kingsley
Apples, Peaches, Pumpkin Pie - Jay and The Techniques
Thanks to Gigi's Cafe for supporting the Coffee Break!