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Mary Lucia: a chat with Jon Clifford of HiFi Hair and Records

Jon Clifford, owner of HiFi Hair and Records
Jon Clifford, owner of HiFi Hair and Recordsprovided photo

by Mary Lucia

September 27, 2016

Thought this week I'd lob a few questions at Jon Clifford, owner of HiFi Hair and Records in Minneapolis. Anyone who knows Jonny (is there anyone who doesn't?) knows him for his unbridled support of all things local, his huge love of rock 'n' roll, his recognizable laugh, covetable wardrobe and a heart as big as his mouth.

When someone comes in after a horrid breakup and wants to drastically change their hair, do you encourage it or talk them off the ledge?

I will try to talk them off the ledge … just for today though. I don't like the idea of creating out of anger. Unless said person was feeling repressed, and this would provide a long-wanted freedom.

How does music inspire what you do creatively?

Music is essential to most everything I do in my life. I catch myself cutting hair to the beat all the time. Or if I am working on a building project, hammering to the beat. I find I do much better work listening to Bowie, Elvis or the Stones, and you really don't want me near a pair of scissors if the Eagles are playing.

If you could get your hands on any iconic head of hair and give them an update, who would you get in your chair?

I guess the obvious answer to most hairdressers would be David Bowie, but he pretty much covered the canvas of hairstyles. I would have to go with Dusty Springfield just to see if I could camouflage an entire six-pack of beer in her big hair.

Who has great hair but whose music you are not a fan of?
Lady Gaga is a visual inspiration for sure. Always changing and recreating herself and her image. I've not ever warmed up to her music, though I acknowledge she's insanely talented. I think she would be a blast have a conversation with.

Have you ever botched someone to the point of tears?

About 15 or 20 years ago, I had this woman who was one of my all-time favorites. Really cool, funny, and beautiful long brown hair. I was running behind that day, and when she sat down, she announced she wanted a change, and to go short. Feeling immortal, I went ahead and did it, despite my being rushed. When it was done, I knew I had made a horrible decision in agreeing to it. She was polite, but not thrilled. I was devastated, because I felt I had betrayed her trust for the price of a haircut. In my estimation, it would take her a year and a half to grow back what I cut in haste. A big lesson of trust in my life.

What celebrity/musician past or present has single-handedly ruined your life in terms of requests for hair style?

Kate f****** Gosling! That horrendous springer-spaniel, floppy eared, backward mullet.

What's the craziest thing someone has confessed to you that if you tell, you will have to go into the Witness Protection Program?

Ooh, craziest thing that should always be held secret. There was a period back in the early '90s when I did the hair of both the wife AND the mistress. The mistress knew who the wife was, but the wife didn't know who the mistress was, though she knew she existed. They had appointments back to back once, and I was a bit freaked out that it would go south. As I was walking the mistress out, the wife was right there:
"Susie so and so, meet Mrs. Whoziewhatzit."
"Have you two met before?, you have a lot in common, you should get together some time." Funniest damn thing ever!

What are some of your favorite live rock shows of the last few years?

Taking the kids to see McCartney was pretty amazing! We exchanged hand-gesture peace signs as he was leaving the stage, and our oldest, Max, just melted. I guess the shows I have been able to take them to stand out the most recently. Being able to introduce them to live music is really amazing. I took Max to the Curtiss A John Lennon tribute, and Curt treated him like a king. And here is a good one: Weird Al! I sat and watched our kids watch Weird Al with the same googly eyes I have when I am watching Keith Richards. They were in heaven.

The Revolution shows were fantastic! Again, the kids, having not been able to ever see Prince, got to see the band that built First Ave.

People would rather have shingles than miss a hair appointment. Have you ever traveled to a backstage dressing room or to a hotel to work on someone who is public shy?

There are occasions that require hair delivery. I won't usually pander to privilege or to prima donna s***, but for people who are public shy or are stuck in a position, yes. I had someone call just last week asking if I would do an on-location, hotel hair service for (someone) who was coming to town. I asked her flat out, "Is this person going to be a pain in my ass, or am I going to like them?" I'm too old and irreverent for someone with a fragile ego.

Do you have any reoccurring hairdresser dreams?

Hair nightmares; I used to have a lot of anxiety about what I would do after I was 30, 35. That seemed so old when I was starting out. By the time I was 35, I was bored stiff. I had a crazy successful salon in a high-rent area in Michigan, and felt like I had no creativity left in me. Long story short, I moved back to Minneapolis, and got my mojo back. I married a woman who is as crazy as I am, opened HiFi, and at 51, am too dumb to quit acting stupid.

Do you like others touching your hair?

Not sure if I like others touching my hair, but I guess it doesn't bug me either. I was gifted good hair. I suppose I should always appreciate that. I think I am kind of a touchy person. I have no problem hugging someone or with physical touch. Probably a condition built after 35 years of touching other people.

If someone brought in a photo of Donald Trump, where would you begin?

A picture of T Rump, in general, or for a Halloween party? Discounting my over-the-top contempt for him as a human being, and my astonishment that he is actually, and I mean actually, considered as a candidate for the office of the President of the United States, I have to look at his hair in the same carnival, circus tent, watch-my-dog-chase-his-tail sort of reverence. If someone wanted to emulate it, I would have to respond with something like, "Sure, your dog can lick [himself], but that isn't something that one should want to imitate."

If you could choose one song to be played every time you enter a room what would it be?

The song I would like to enter the room to … "Rocks Off" by The Rolling f****** Stones!


HiFi Hair & Records - official site
