Bridget Bennett’s ten favorite concert photos of 2015

January 12, 2016
10. Decorated with what looked like the cheapest decorations you could get at Party America, France Camp’s release show was fantastically weird. Jay, pictured above, failed in his coordination of a raffle to let a crowd member smash a guitar. He then handed the guitar off to a friend who gladly destroyed it. This was shot on 35mm film, what I usually carry with me to shows that I attend when not on assignment. (France Camp, 7th Street Entry)
9. Tommy Stinson prepares for an in-studio session. Need I say more? (Tommy Stinson, The Current studios)

8. I simply just loved the colors and lighting of Beach House’s set at First Ave. (Beach House, First Avenue)

7. Most of my favorite photos happen from being in the right place at the right time, or the anticipation of it, and this is a perfect example. It happened right in my face. (Preservation Hall Jazz Band, Minnesota State Fair Grandstand)

6. Flustered about not getting any good shots of Bassnectar, the day’s headliner, I turned to grab a few crowd shots. This ended up being one my favorite photos I walked away from Summer Set with. (Bassnectar crowd, Summer Set Music Festival)

5. A quiet, angelic moment with Elle King while she twirls between songs. I usually flock to live music shots that are intense and in your face; this is magically quite the opposite. (Elle King, Varsity Theater)

4. Blood on the Tracks Express is part of the Duluth Dylan Fest, a celebration of Bob Dylan’s birthday. This year's train featured a unique concoction of musical talent including Alan Sparhawk's band Black Eyed Snakes. I enjoy this image because when else have you seen Sparhawk jamming on a train? At the least, it’s unique to me. (Black Eyed Snakes, Blood On the Tracks Express)

3. The rowdiest crowd of my SXSW experience was Twin Peaks at Cheer Up Charlie's. Security stepped in to break up crowd surfers that kept on being dumped on stage. (Twin Peaks, SXSW)

2. Embarrassingly, this is from yet another Twin Peaks show. I have shot them many, too many, times and it’s because they are amazing performers, making for a great live show to shoot. They always deliver, and I know I will walk out of the venue with some exciting photos. (Twin Peaks, 7th Street Entry)

1. This was by far the most engaging set that I encountered at Soundset. I was slightly concerned, for a moment, with the number of stage divers flying over my head in the photo pit — but it made for some great images, including this one. (Soundset, Canterbury Park)

Bridget Bennett is a student at the University of Minnesota.