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Coffee Break

9:30 Coffee Break: Cool down

by Anna Reed

December 15, 2015

Earth: Nov. 1, 2015
Planet Earth on Nov. 1 2015
NASA | NOAA's DSCOVR mission

With 195 nations agreeing to a new landmark accord that will commit nearly every country to lowering planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions, they are by in large making the grand commitment to keeping the Earth cooler.

The deal, which is seen as a climate change breakthrough, states that every country is required to take some form of action. And while this is not a solution to the rapid warming of the planet, it's a major step in the commitment to cooling the sucker down.

So for today's 9:30 Coffee Break, we're looking for songs that feature the word "cool" in the title or lyrics.

Share your ideas below and keep cool, friends.

Songs played:

Velvet Underground "Cool it Down"
Phoenix "Trying To Be Cool"
Sonic Youth "Kool Thing"
The Hollies "Long Cool Woman in a Black Coat Dress"
Squeeze "Cool for Cats"
Outkast "Hey Ya"

Do you deserve a Coffee Break? We at The Current's Morning Show think you do, and we want to bring treats from Black: Coffee and Waffle Bar to your workplace. Let us know why you'd like a Coffee Break - or request your own idea for a future topic.