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Coffee Break

9:30 Coffee Break: Chilling in a Hammock

by Jill Riley and Sean McPherson

July 22, 2015

Relaxing in a hammock
Relaxing in a hammock
Inessa Akhmedova - Creative Commons CC BY 2.0

As we continue the gentle, easygoing days of July, a lot of people are enjoying relaxing in hammocks. In fact, today, July 22, is Hammock Day. The origins of Hammock Day are unclear, but perhaps its founders were just taking it easy in their hammocks and simply didn't get around to documenting it.

Hammocks are enjoying a resurgence in popularity, with people slinging their portable hammocks anywhere they can find a couple of sturdy trees. There's even an organization, the Hammock Initiative, that seeks to promote relaxation and socializing by hanging out in hammocks.

For those who are into the hammock scene, Hammock Day in Minneapolis will be celebrated with a group hangout from 4 to 7 p.m. at Lake Nokomis, about one block east of Cedar Avenue on Minnehaha Parkway, where the lake and Minnehaha Creek meet.

So with all this hanging out in hammocks going on — known as 'mocking to its fans — there's got to be good music to go with it. For today's 9:30 Coffee Break, what songs do you want to hear while relaxing in a hammock? Send us your requests.

Songs Played

The Kinks "Sunny Afternoon"
My Morning Jacket "Wonderful (The Way I Feel)"
Louis Armstrong "What a Wonderful World"
The Lovin' Spoonful "Daydream"
The Shins "New Slang"
Fleet Foxes "Montezuma"

Do you deserve a Coffee Break? We at The Current's Morning Show think you do, and we want to bring treats from Morningstar Coffee and Café Latté to your workplace. Let us know why you'd like a Coffee Break.
