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Cube Critic: 'Trainwreck'

Amy (Amy Schumer) on a date with Aaron (Bill Hader) in 'Trainwreck,' the new comedy from director/producer Judd Apatow that is written by and stars Schumer as a woman who lives her life without apologies, even when maybe she should apologize.
Amy (Amy Schumer) on a date with Aaron (Bill Hader) in 'Trainwreck,' the new comedy from director/producer Judd Apatow that is written by and stars Schumer as a woman who lives her life without apologies, even when maybe she should apologize.Mary Cybulski
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by Stephanie Curtis

July 17, 2015

Cube Critic Stephanie Curtis joins Jill Riley and Sean McPherson to talk about a new comedy written by and starring Amy Schumer, directed by Judd Apatow and co-starring Bill Hader. The film also features Colin Quinn and appearances by LeBron James.

As Stephanie explains, there's more going on here than just another romantic comedy. "I have been dying for Trainwreck to open, so I had very high expectations when I went in," she says, "and they weren't all completely dashed."

Schumer plays a successful magazine writer who has shied away from commitment at the prompting of her father (played by Quinn). When Schumer meets a doctor (Hader) with whom she feels a connection, she begins to reconsider the idea of commitment.

Stephanie explains that with Schumer and Apatow working together on the screenplay, the script goes deeper into the lead character's backstory. "It's super funny, but there's also this family drama shoved in," Stephanie says.

In addition to praising Schumer's work, Stephanie says Schumer and Hader have fantastic chemistry, and portray a convincing couple who "seem like real people."

Film and basketball fan Jill Riley has two important questions: "Is LeBron James funny, and can LeBron James act?"

"Yes to both!" Stephanie says. "He's really funny, really smooth. I loved seeing LeBron James in this."

Listen to the complete review by clicking the audio player above.

Trainwreck is rated R and it is playing everywhere.

Official trailer:

MPR's Cube Critic, Stephanie Curtis, joins The Current's Morning Show to talk about films every Friday at 8:30 a.m.
