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Throbbing Hive with Wits' John Moe: Energized wi-fi and soothing sheep

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June 09, 2015

Sheep wait to be sheared on Junior Farder's farm west of Erskine, Minn. on March 27, 2014.
Nathaniel Minor / MPR News

Every Tuesday at 7:30am Wits host John Moe stops into the Morning Show to share the latest news in Technology.

This week, John Moe stopped by The Current's Morning Show to talk to Jill Riley and Sean McPherson about a why losing your phone charger may not be an issue much longer, and how a new sheep-related blog can provide a calming break in your day.

1. In the future, you'll charge your devices over wi-fi

Losing your phone charger or finding yourself with a low battery on your smartphone may not be an issue for too much longer. "Researchers at the University of Washington in Seattle say they are getting closer and closer to a day when you can charge your devices over wi-fi," John says.

But what will all that energy flying around do to us? Listen to the conversation.

2. Google Sheep View for when you need a pastoral break

Google Sheep View is a Tumblr blog set up by some people who have prowled through the world of Google Street View pictures to find the ones with sheep in them.

"I got a lot of vacation ideas for when I win the lottery and can go anywhere," John says. "Sheep are everywhere, there's no shortage of sheep globally. … They're just content to eat grass."

John Moe hosts Wits at the Fitzgerald Theater. Check out video, photos and archived audio from previous shows and buy tickets for the current season at the Wits page. He also hosts the Home Dunk podcast from Infinite Guest.