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INTERVIEW: City Pages' Best of the Twin Cities

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by Jill Riley and Sean McPherson

April 15, 2015

City Pages Best of the Twin Cities 2015
City Pages Best of the Twin Cities 2015. The Current was readers' choice for best radio station.
MPR photo/Luke Taylor

Erik Thompson, the interim music editor and clubs editor of City Pages, stops in to talk to Jill Riley and Sean McPherson (in for Steve Seel) about City Pages' just-out 'Best of the Twin Cities' issue.

"This year's theme is Made in Minnesota," Erik says. "Everyting in the issue, all the images, the visuals, it's all made by Minnesota people or Minnesota companies. The design is beautiful; it looks awesome."

Erik talks about some of the music-related "best ofs". Listen to the interview above, and find the complete rundown on City Pages' website.
