The Current

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Coffee Break

9:30 Coffee Break: Songs in the Key of Ely

by Jill Riley and Sean McPherson

April 10, 2015

Ely city limits
Population sign on the edge of Ely, Minn.
Photo courtesy Becca Dilley/Heavy Table

The Current has a big announcement today: Starting this afternoon, The Current will come to Ely, Minn., on 101.3 FM in that city. Minnesota Public Radio would like to thank Clayton Halunen and David Duddingston, Tom Arneson, Piragis Northwoods Company, and Vanilla Bean Restaurant in Two Harbors, Minn., for providing the generous funds to bring The Current to the Ely community.

For those unfamiliar with Ely, it is a town located in the northeastern section of St. Louis County in northern Minnesota. It's situated in an area of much natural beauty, and the town is a gateway to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wildnerness. Mining and natural resources, along with government, tourism and outfitting, and healthcare and education are vital industries to the Ely area.

So for today's 9:30 Coffee Break, we'd like to put together a special playlist for the people in Ely. What songs conjure the atmosphere of Ely and of northern Minnesota for you? It could be songs about the north, about lakes and forests, starry skies, fresh air — it's really up to you, and we're interested in your thoughts and ideas.

Tell us what songs you'd like to hear to create today's Ely soundtrack.

Songs Played

Cloud Cult - "Running with the Wolves"
Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash - "Girl From the North Country"
R.E.M. - "Nightswimming"
Electras - "Action Woman" (60's band formed in Ely!)
Yeah Yeah Yeah's - "Mosquito"
The Innocence Mission - "Lakes of Canada"

Do you deserve a Coffee Break? We at The Current's Morning Show think you do, and we want to bring treats from Black: Coffee and Waffle Bar to your workplace. We'll also be accompanied by Actual Wolf, who will play a live set for you and your coworkers. Let us know why you'd like a Coffee Break.
