Heads up: Some scheduling changes on The Current
by Jim McGuinn
June 05, 2015

Hello Current friends,
I wanted to share a quick note to update you on some on-air changes happening at The Current.
• Steve Seel is returning from his leave to a new role at MPR. While no longer part of The Current's Morning Show, he will be heard throughout the week as a host-at-large on The Current, and continue to host our Policy and a Pint series. He will also be returning to his roots and taking on air shifts presenting classical music both on Classical MPR and on our national classical-music service (Steve originally joined MPR as a Classical host in the '90s). You can read more about this in a letter from Steve here and check out his first shift back on The Current next Saturday, June 13, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
• Mary Lucia continues to be out on leave. While she's away, Bill DeVille, David Campbell, Mac Wilson, and I have been filling in during her regular shift; Rock 'n' Roll Radio will continue with fill-in hosts until Mary is back. You can read more about Mary's leave here.
• Sean McPherson continues to fill in on the morning show with Jill Riley. With Steve leaving The Current's Morning Show, we will soon begin a job search for a permanent co-host and producer.
We'll keep you posted as things progress with our staffing schedules.
Thanks for listening!
Jim McGuinn
Program Director, 89.3 The Current