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Throbbing Hive with Wits' John Moe: Hockey Hair

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March 10, 2015

Hockey Hair
Hockey hair in action.
Prince William Hockey Club - Creative Commons

Every Tuesday at 7:30am Wits host John Moe stops into the Morning Show to share the latest news in Technology.

This week, John Moe chatted with The Morning Show's Steve Seel and Jill Riley about this year's hockey-hair recap and about an insurance advertisement you won't want to skip past.

"It's the happiest time of the year," says John Moe of the hockey-hair video that recaps the hair on the participants in the boys' state high school hockey tournament in Minnesota. "It's sort of the hair that time forgot."

Moe describes the semi-anonymous Pulltab Productions' pitch-perfect delivery of commentary, and the fact that his sponsor offered a donation to charity if the video received more than 100,000 views. As of Monday morning, it was approaching one million.

Here's the video:

Also, Geico has made a YouTube ad you might not want to skip past.

John Moe hosts Wits at the Fitzgerald Theater. Check out video, photos and archived audio from previous shows and buy tickets for the current season at the Wits page. He also hosts the Home Dunk podcast from Infinite Guest.
