Weekend Arts Roundup: Art that Moves You
October 16, 2014

MPR News Arts Reporter Marianne Combs joins Steve Seel and Jill Riley to talk about arts happenings that encourage you to get out there and move.
Michael Karaken: Parts at Burnet Gallery and at Groveland Gallery — Two independent local galleries have teamed up to produce a joint exhibition of artist Michael Kareken's works entitled, Parts. Kareken's charcoal and conté drawings will be featured at Groveland Annex, while a simultaneous exhibition of his large mixed-media paintings will be displayed at Burnet Gallery at Le Meridien Chambers in downtown Minneapolis. Parts features Kareken's paintings of automotive salvage yards, where skeletons of cars were strongly suggestive of the human body, making the art more intimate and personal. Parts runs Oct. 16 to Nov. 29.
Green Line Theater — On Saturday, Oct. 18 at 1 p.m., artists Wing Young Huie, Ashley Hanson, and Jessica Huang will present Green Line Theater — an original, mobile theater production — in partnership with the MMAA Project Space exhibition From There to Here. The audience will travel together from scene to scene, using the light rail as transportation, in a style of site-specific theater known as "mobile theater." Tickets are free, but audience members will need to purchase a Metro Transit ticket to ride the train.
Ruination: City of Dust — This is a bicycle-based mystery game that imagines it is the year 2314, and the city of Minneapolis is abandoned and covered in dust. Teams of explorers brave the harsh conditions to dig the ruins, searching for answers.which deadly problem ruined the city? This is the mystery you must solve. Ruination happens Oct. 18 and 19, and will take two to three hours to complete, with a total estimated biking distance of about 5 miles. Participants must register (it costs $15 for teams up to six members) and must furnish their own bikes and helmets.
Marianne Combs joins The Current's Morning Show for the Weekend Arts Roundup every Thursday at 8:30 a.m. Read about all the latest arts news at the State of the Arts blog at mprnews.org.