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Cube Critics: 'Dallas Buyers Club'

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by Euan Kerr

November 08, 2013

Dallas Buyers Club
"Dallas Buyers Club" is the result of a three-day interview of Ron Woodroof done in 1990 by writer Craig Bordon. It's taken many years and several studios to bring the story to the screen.
Image courtesy of Focus Features

MPR Arts Reporter and Cube Critic Euan Kerr reviews a new film based on the true story of Ron Woodroof, a Texas electrician who was diagnosed with AIDS in 1986. The film stars Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Garner, Jared Leto and Minnesota native Steve Zahn.

Dallas Buyers Club, directed by Jean-Marc Vallée and written by Wayzata native Melisa Wallack, follows Woodroof's story as he is frustrated with the lack of available medical options and is unwilling to accept a death sentence. He ends up connecting with and befriending people who, pre-diagnosis, he would have treated with hostility.

This film is rated R for pervasive language, some strong sexual content, nudity and drug use. It's screening at the Landmark Uptown Theatre.

Dallas Buyers Club, official trailer:
Cube Critics video review of Dallas Buyers Club:

MPR's Movie Maven, Stephanie Curtis, joins The Current's Morning Show to talk about films every Friday at 8:30 a.m.
