9:30 Coffee Break: The Sopranos
June 20, 2013

Fans of the actor James Gandolfini are mourning after news of his death yesterday of a heart attack. Shortly after the news, fans met up at the New Jersey diner frequently featured in the film to pay tribute to the actor.
We'll pay some tribute this morning with songs from The Sopranos. The show was known for its eclectic array of music. What songs from the show The Sopranos should we play for today's 9:30 Coffee Break?
Don't forget to sign up to win a Coffee Break on the Road. Jill and Steve will bring coffee from Peace Coffee, Birchwood Cafe, and local band Bomba de Luz. Just shoot us an email: CoffeeBreak@TheCurrent.org
Songs Play:
The Shins - "New Slang"
Bob Dylan - "Gotta Serve Somebody"
Elvis Costello - "High Fidelity"
Frank Sinatra - "It Was a Very Good Year"
Journey - "Don't Stop Believin"