9:30 Coffee Break: Truth
May 06, 2013

We've done songs on lies and the lying liars that tell them, but with the sun shining today it's time to clear the air with some truth.
How about a 9:30 Coffee Break with songs about truth? We'll play your suggestions for songs that mention the word "truth" in the title or featured heavily in the lyrics.
Don't forget to enter to win our Coffee Break for May! Jill and Steve will be joined by local musican Frankie Lee and bring coffee and treats from Peace Coffee and Birchwood Cafe to your office. Enter by emailing: CoffeeBreak@TheCurrent.org
Songs Played:
Brother Ali - "Truth is"
John Lennon - "Gimme Some Truth"
Soul Coughing - "True Dreams of Wichita"
Mark Mallman - "True Love"
The Police - "Truth Hits Everybody"
Depeche Mode - "Policy of Truth"