News and Interviews
Eating and Drinking with Supertaster James Norton: The Hobbit Takes Over Denny's
by Jade
November 28, 2012
CHOW's Supertaster and Heavy Table food editor James Norton joins the Current's Morning Show to talk about his gastronomic adventures.
Today James Norton spoke to The Morning Show's Jill Riley and Steve Seel about his trip to Denny's to try their new menu inspired by the movie, "The Hobbit."
You can witness James' adventure through Denny's "Hobbit" menu in his Supertaster Daily videos:
James Norton edits the Upper Midwestern food journal Heavy Table. He's also the coauthor of a book on Wisconsin's master cheesemakers. For his Supertaster Daily videos, he samples offerings from supermarket aisles and fast-food menus. You can follow him on Twitter, fan him on Facebook, and subscribe to his YouTube channel.