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Liz Phair performs live in The Current studios

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by Mary Lucia and Liz Phair

January 21, 2011

Liz Phair
Longtime indie goddess turned pop star Liz Phair.
Courtesy of the artist

With a long career of ground-breaking music that began in the early '90s, singer-songwriter Liz Phair has moved from indie label goddess with the release of her debut "Exile in Guyville" in 1993 to selling over three million records across the globe including her latest, "Funstyle."

Liz Phair has definitely transformed from an indie sound to a more glittery pop sound, but while this may disturb some of her hardcore fans, she is proud of her music nonetheless.

Songs performed: "Polyester Bride," "Oh, Bangladesh" and "Mesmerizing."
