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The Duluth Local Show

The Duluth Local Show

  Play Now [59:59]

December 16, 2018

Guest host Andrea Swensson highlights the big releases from North Country artists in 2018, including big albums by Black Eyed Snakes, Trampled by Turtles, Gaelynn Lea, Ingeborg von Agassiz, Superior Siren and more. You'll also hear the latest from Rich Mattson and the Northstars, Rachael Kilgour, and Coyote, plus a deep cut from the Feelin' called "Bob Dylan Loves Duluth."


Bound by a Thread
Gaelynn Lea

Bulletproof Vest
Ingeborg von Agassiz

Someone Else's Love Song

For Mother
Superior Siren

Holy Are We
Rachael Kilgour

Alright Boys
Black Eyed Snakes

The Middle
Trampled by Turtles

Safe in Our Zoo
Rich Mattson and the Northstars

Bob Dylan Loves Duluth
The Feelin'

Good Heart
Emily Haavik

Never Stop
The Bad Plus

Ask the Mrs.

Minnesota Song
The Hobo Nephews of Uncle Frank

Nothing Gets Me High
Bad Bad Hats

Just Like Christmas