The Cactus Blossoms perform in The Current studio

by Bill DeVille and The Cactus Blossoms
February 13, 2016
Musicians often refer to their songs and albums as "their babies." Considering their recently released album, You're Dreaming, The Cactus Blossoms' Page Burkum takes the childbirth analogy a step further. "It occurred to me that it was taking longer than it takes to make a baby," he says. "I think that's a bad thing."
Burkum, along with his brother Jack Torrey, form the nucleus of The Cactus Blossoms, and the pair — along with bandmates Tyler Burkum (guitar), Andy Carroll (bass) and Chris Hepola (drums) — spent more than 18 months, off and on, working on You're Dreaming. "We're just happy that it's out now," Page says. "It's been a real thrill to have it come out in January."
The Cactus Blossoms are celebrating with some shows at The Turf Club in St. Paul, Minn., as well as an appearance on A Prairie Home Companion, before they begin a tour in support of the album. Despite the busy schedule, they still found time to visit The Current for an in-studio session hosted by Bill DeVille.
You're Dreaming was produced by none other than JD McPherson, the Broken Arrow, Okla., musician who is no stranger to The Current. "We were just talking about JD today," Jack says. "I said to Page, 'I think I might be taking JD for granted now that we've known him for a while.' I forget how awesome that guy is, and how cool it is that he helped us out to make a record. It was a great experiences working with JD."
Listen to the complete session to hear more about the Cactus Blossoms' songwriting approach, their days playing Monday-night shows at the Turf Club, and a healthy dose of good-natured brotherly teasing among Page, Jack and Tyler.
Songs Performed
"Powder Blue"
"Stoplight Kisses"
All songs on the Cactus Blossoms album, You're Dreaming, out now on Red House Records.
Hosted by Bill DeVille
Produced by Lindsay Kimball
Engineered by Michael DeMark and Sasha Druva
Photos by Leah Garaas
Web feature by Luke Taylor