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Top 89

Top 89 of 2015: The Current Staff Picks

December 01, 2015

Top 89 of 2015
The Current's staff picks their favorite music released in 2015
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What are your favorite songs of the past year? That's the big question to ask yourself.

Music isn't like the film industry, where all the award-worthy stuff is released at roughly the same time of year; great music comes out all year round. And since there has been so much amazing music released in 2015, it might seem like a daunting task to try to narrow it all down now. But the time to compile your year-end music lists has come.

Vote for your Top 89 of 2015!

That's where The Current's staff can help. Because they sample a huge pool of music every year, The Current's on air hosts and producers can help to remind you of great tunes and albums as you get ready to pick your faves. (And remember: You'll be entered for a chance to win a $500 gift certificate to Down in the Valley Records!)

As we celebrate the best music of 2015 with your votes, we'll be unveiling each of The Current staffers' picks here. We hope you find these lists helpful and entertaining as you get ready to cast your votes in The Current's biggest music poll of the year.

On Air Hosts

Bill DeVille, host

Jade, host

Kelsey, music assistant and host

Lindsay Kimball, assistant program director and host

Jim McGuinn, program director and host of Teenage Kicks

Sean McPherson, host

David Safar, music director and host of New Hot

Andrea Swensson, host of The Local Show and Local Current blogger

Mark Wheat, host

Mac Wilson, host


Bethany Barberg, marketing specialist

Jay Gabler, digital producer

Leah Garaas, digital producer

Tessa Glade, digital marketing strategist

Daniel Nass, digital producer

Scott Olstad, digital commerce

Matt Perkins, marketing manager

Nate Ryan, multimedia producer

Derrick Stevens, producer

Andrea Swensson, Local Current blogger and host of The Local Show

Luke Taylor, digital producer

Anna Weggel, The Current's Morning Show producer

College Contributors

Christina Ayodele, College of St. Benedict

Sadie Bell, The New School

Grace Birnstengel, University of Minnesota — Twin Cities

Austin Gerth, Concordia College

Hannah Hron, Hamline University

Maia Jacobson, University of Minnesota — Twin Cities

Cecilia Johnson, Hamline University

Emmet Kowler, University of Minnesota — Morris

Emily Raffesberger, University of St. Thomas
