Stars perform in The Current studio

by Steve Seel
November 21, 2014
Montreal-based Stars were among the very first artists to perform in The Current's studios when the station launched in 2005. That's important to the people at The Current, and it's important to Stars, too. "We think of you as one of the radio stations that made our careers possible," says Stars' vocalist Torquil Campbell. "We grew with you. We love this place."
Now touring in support of their seventh full-length album, No One is Lost, Stars stopped in to The Current for a session hosted by Steve Seel.
Although they've got a new album out, Stars open their session at The Current with a cover of the Replacements' "Here Comes a Regular." Campbell explains this choice was inspired by being in Minnesota. "And it is one of the greatest sad songs ever written," Campbell adds, "maybe one of the five best drinking songs ever written in my personal opinion, and it's a song that makes me cry every time I hear it, so I'm interested in the physical challenge of not crying while I sing it."
In a witty and free-flowing interview, Campbell and co-vocalist Amy Millan share a number of thoughts with Steve. Here are a few highlights:
On the title of the album, No One Is Lost:
Torquil Campbell: "Life is about losing people, and I think that's very sad, and so the only way to get through it is to hope it isn't true. … Pop music serves a great public service to people because it does give you that moment, that three minutes of feeling like maybe no one is lost and that things will last forever."
On the cover art of No One Is Lost:
Amy Millan: "I found that photograph on Instagram … There's something so magical about that moment that she just took on her iPhone probably really quickly, just of her friends throwing their hands up in the air and just being in that exact moment. I think when you feel 'no one is lost,' you have to be in the exact moment that you're in."
On the advantages of the band's longevity:
Amy: "This morning when we walked in, we were all a little grouchy, we'd had a 12-hour drive [from St. Louis, Mo.], so we were a little tender. There was a little bit of tension. Ten years ago, that tension probably would have lasted maybe the rest of the tour! But now … we get over things, I think, now we realize we're just never going to get divorced. We're like, 'OK, whatever; just move on.' Which is nice."
On changes in the music industry since Stars began:
Torquil: "Whenever I see a new band that I love — and there's so many great new bands; every single week, somebody's putting out great records — and [I] think, 'Man, so you've got somebody writing about you and you've got a blog post or whatever, but how are you going to make a living?' It's just so challenging now."
On what hasn't changed in music:
Torquil: "People keep coming to the shows, and that's something you can't replicate through technology — that experience of coming into a room together and everybody facing one way and accepting what comes at them. … That's what keeps me loving this thing."
Be sure to listen to the full interview to hear Stars' excitement at having this week's Album of the Week; their curiosity about the CC Club; and about what it's like to take a three-year-old daughter on tour.
Songs Performed
"Here Comes a Regular" (Replacements cover)
"Look Away"
"This is the Last Time"
Both original songs are off Stars' seventh studio album, No One Is Lost, out now on ATO Records.
Hosted by Steve Seel
Produced by Jade
Engineered by Michael DeMark
Web feature by Luke Taylor