It's Super Cold Monday!
January 06, 2014
Temps in Minnesota on Monday will reach 20 below in the Twin Cities and as cold as 50 below up north. Governor Dayton has taken the rare step to declare all Minnesota schools closed for Monday. But at the Current we've declared it Super Cold Monday! It's like Super Bowl Sunday, but about 100 degrees cooler.
Tune in to the Morning Show at 9:30 for the Iced Coffee Break. Listen to Barb Abney as she plays hot funk and soul from 11 a.m. to noon, and go crawling Under the Covers for a full hour of remakes at 1 p.m.
Mary Lucia will put together a playlist of the ultimate Summer Jams for your drive home at 5. And Mark Wheat will spin an hour of "Music from Hot Places" at 7 p.m.
If you're stuck at your home, check out these superfun activities:
Have fun with these David Bowie Paper Dolls, courtesy our friends at the CBC. (Alternate download link here). Fun fact: Bowie turns 67 years old on Wednesday!
Also from our CBC friends, build your own Arcade Fire paper dolls!
Print out these face shapes (set 1, set 2) and use them to draw a picture of your favorite rock band or artist and Tweet it to us at @TheCurrent using #supercoldmonday
Print out and color any (or all) of these popular musicians:
Mick Jagger, Kanye West, Elvis Presley, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, George Harrison, Lady Gaga, Loretta Lynn, Beyonce, Gladys Knight
We have absolutely no power or control over the weather, but by rocking together, maybe we can generate enough warmth to laugh at the oppressive temperature.
It's Super Cold Monday — only from 89.3 The Current.